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Equality Meets Opportunity

Ohio Matters


I still believe that no one knows the community better than the people who live there, and I listen to those people as often as I can. I have been a voice for our neighborhood residents on issues, attending meetings and speaking up on issues ranging from potholes to life threatening dangerous matters. 

I am committed to a new vision for our community that include meetings for the residents, a safety plan that balances government goals with individuals' rights, protecting civil rights, protecting life, and a safe and dynamic school system for all children no matter their zip code.


That's why my top priorities are:


Community Safety




I support:


  • HB 99 

  • HB 269

  • HB 248 

  • HB 290

  • Heartbeat Bill

  • HB 3

  • HB 708

  • HB 726


We deserve a: Safe, Clean and Affordable place to live.


We Need a Strong/ Safe, Dynamic School System


I still believe that good schools are at the heart of a healthy community. I have also argued that providing a better educational experience for all of our children requires far more teamwork between the School Districts, our libraries, our Human Services programs, our housing communities and other groups. I also believe parents should have more control over their child's education. I support passing school choice HB 290.


Community Safety


The Police, in conjunction with residents, businesses and other local agencies, must be more proactive in developing and implementing sustainable public safety programs, with an emphasis on Community Policing. I will work to get the police to focus more on interacting with the community in a positive way. Stopping recidivism and eliminate Check the box to get people with felonies back to work.


I will support initiatives like: Public Safety Driving School: Teaching kids to interact with the police when stopped.

I support community input in the case of the Civil review board/ Consent Decree:


I will support funding local police department to upgrade their crime stopping tech 


Defund uncertified police departments in Ohio


Stopping Recidivism 


Eliminate Check the box


Mental Health and Addiction 


The drug epidemic has gotten out hand here in Ohio. Our district has countless reports of overdoses, murders and incarcerations leaving lives ruined and many children without parents. This needs to end. As a member of the Ohio House of Representatives I will enacted community support programs and resources for those affected by the drug epidemic. 


A healthy state of mind is imperative to the growth of our community.

Community Development 


In some areas you can walk for miles in any direction and never come across a grocery store or a laundry mat. For those who have cars, they can escape the areas disparities our district faces and travel to get they need. Unfortunately those without cars are subject to unhealthy eating and long walks or bus rides to school or the laundry mat. We need more business to services our community.


We Need a Long-term, Sustainable Housing Policy

I still think that few things are as important to providing opportunities for people who do not have high paying jobs or a background of wealth. We, like much of the region, face both a housing crisis and an affordable housing crisis. But our district must do a better job of ensuring that our affordable housing is also acceptable housing, and that it is matched with appropriate support programs to help residents of affordable housing develop the skills and financial ability to move into market rate housing if they wish. 


Eliminating Food Deserts 

Grow local business

Support Entrepreneurship




I will hold LLC's and corporate properties owners to the highest standard for the blighted properties in our communities  

I will support a 90 day grace period for new quick claim deeds to pull a permit and fix their properties with in 90 days.

I will encourage rehabbing homes over demolition them. (For low income)

Because many of our displaced residents are seniors, I support the expansion of the Department of aging housing department and programs like: Sharp to cover senior owned multi family unit properties.


Freeze property tax for our seniors 65 and older


Housing Tax breaks for our Vets and First responders


Protect Life

I am Pro-Life and a supporter of the Heartbeat bill. 


Protect 2nd Amendment Rights


I support our right bear arms "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


US Term Limits


Mark Twain said it best " Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often, and for the same reasons."


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